Sunday, June 14, 2015

Outcomes and Considerations

            I am running. You may ask why, but I'm not sure myself. It just seems right. People may call me crazy for this, but I think it's a sign for something. Something that may help in the long run. You never know what kind of situation you may run in to. Yes there are other tasks for different occurrences, but this task is the most important. At least for the time being. I'm just going to keep doing it until I find its meaning. It may be impending quicker than I realize, some time in the near future, or may never. I may never know for sure, but people always have to be prepared for the worst. If no one does anything in this world, than nothing would ever get done. That's why I'm doing this, for myself, my posterity, or the whole fate of mankind. Until one criticizes on something, they should first stop and think. They may never know the outcome until it hits them. Please consider this and don't just throw it in the gutter. You may never know the outcome for your actions.


Juicy and red. 
A deliteful sensation on my taste buds.
From this I will not
and I can not take my eyes off it.
One thing about it makes it special.
It's small, but packs a punch. 
It also keeps the doctor away, 
which counts for one a day.
All these things one cannot deny.
This I will never forget.

Friday, June 5, 2015

The Sun

The Sun.
An enormous ball of fiery gas. 
Brighter than anything imaginable.
If one looks, they will be blinded.
Also it may leave a burn to last days on end.
The heat it provides is good and bad. 
For it is not all that bad.
If provides a necessity for living things. 
If not burning, there is no life.
People may complain at times for its cons,
but they also have to consider its pros.
Next time you complain about something,
think about the sun.

Fighting Fate

          Faster and faster I go as I'm heading down the steep and daunting hill. I get a rush of excitement like I'm on a roller coaster. This rush gives me the adrenaline and confidence I need to go off the ramp at the way bottom. From where I am now the ramp looks like an ant. I look at the wheels on the board under my feet and they look as though they will fall off. The board starts to swerve and move off course. I'm losing my balance and fear sweeps over my body. I try to fight the swerves, but the force is too strong from the immense speed. I look ahead and see the ramp isn't too far from me now. I estimate another 500 feet. I need to act fast and fight the off balance before it's too late. Then before I can make a move, I'm in flight and heading towards the tar below. My fate awaits its arrival.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Mighty Win

          I feel the warm air brush against my cheeks as I am sprinting. People in the stands are screeching, "Go TA, you can do it". The cheers surround the team with confidence and push us to our limit. The sound soon fades away as I pass by. I notice two South Portland runners zoom by leaving a trail of wind that hits our skin. I start to pick up my speed, noticing that I'm lagging behind. One, two, three people I pass from the boost in speed. I almost feel invincible and am really picking up the lead at this point. I see the shocked looks on the opponents, since I am about to beat them. 50m, 40m, 30m. People start to catch up. 20m, 10m. I'm almost there and a South Portland runner is right beside me. I feel my lungs about to burst from all the air I'm gasping for. Then, I pass through the finish line. I quickly turn my head to the results board. My name is in first place. I am a true Trojan after all.

Mighty Team

          I look up from the red ruberized track and see a huge crowd cheering us on from the bleacher. We are TA, the mighty Trojans. How could anyone ever beat us? We are the strongest track team in in New England and plan to keep it that way. That's at least what we are hoping for. We all hear the man with the signal gun to get in our running stances. We are against one of our most competitive opponents, South Portland, so we have to try our hardest. Everyone gets in position and the we begin to feel the heat on our backs. It is the hottest day in the summer and I am already drenched in sweat from the anxiety. I feel the pressure coming on as every second passes by. Then the man with the signal gun yells the usual starting commands. "On your mark". "I am totally ready for this, what am I thinking." "Get set". I can feel every heart beat as it thuds on my chest. "Pow", goes the cap gun. Next second I know, I am gliding through the hot summer air. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Afghanistan in Conflict

Great Game-A geopolitic contest between Britain and czarist Russia.
-Russians wanted the south and British wanted to protect India.
-Area is difficult to control.
Soviet War in Afghanistan- Leaders turned against each other in 1979 and the Soviets intervened to flank. Kremlin leaders sent tens of thousands of troops there, which turned into a hopeless battle.
Mujahedeen- US and allies supporting Afghan guerrillas who battled the Soviet Union.
Proxy war- Fighting against an enemy through another source.
Al Qaeda- Radicial Islamist who accept outside aid as a necessity, which turned on the US later on.
Kabul- Capital of Afghanistan where a divided coalition of Afghan guerrillas pushed the communists out.
Taliban- A group of Muslim students from Pakistan.
ISI- Pakistans military intelligence service.
Ahmad Massoud- A former Mujahideen leader returned to the north to form a resistance on the Taliban.
Northern Alliance- Dostum joined forces with Mossoud
-In August 1998, Al-Qaeda bombed the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania killing more than 250 people.
-October 12, 2000, Al-Qaeda bombed the USS Cole in the harbor of Aden, Yemen killing 17 US soldeires and wounding 37 others.
Hamid Karzai- A leader of the most prominent Pashtun families.

US Plans Toward Afghanistan

-Immediate response to capture/kill Al-Qaeda.
-Taliban defeated, but Osama still out there.
Operation Enduring Freedom- US war plan to attack Al-Qaeda.
Phase 1- deploy US troops to neighboring countries of Afghanistan.
Phase 2- Air strikes on Afghanistan targets with Taliban help.
Phase 3- Launch ground invasion.
Phase 4- "Security and stability operations".
-88,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan on April 16, 2010.
Stanley McChrystal- Given military command of forces in Afghanistan.
David Petraus- In military command after Stanley.
Insurgency- 2006 military violence in Afghanistan.
Federally Administered Tribal Areas- Insurgency fighters safe heaven.
-90% of the worlds opium is in Afghanistan.
Blowback- US supports a government that is perceived as corrupt and that causes people to support the insurgency against the US.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Innovation is the key to success. 
The road on which one must follow.
Which paves the path toward creativeness.
It clears the mind to let in new thoughts.
A person can learn from this.
The mind is like a receptor that receives information.
Information that leads to this innovation.
It transforms from one source to another.
One large source to an even larger image.
The image is viewed by others, which gets passed on.
Just like the earth.

The Impossible

"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
-Francis of Assisi

This quote explains the significance of trying new things. There is no need to be afraid to at least try because there is a possible outcome of succeeding. These successions might even eclipse previous attempts to do the "impossible". People should start right from the beginning, or basics and work their way up the ladder. After every time there is success, one can practice even more to surpass that previous goal. It is courage that fuels this process and paves the road toward the impossible.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Within 20 minutes: 
-Blood pressure and pulse rates drop.
-Body temperature in body parts return to normal.

Within 8 hours:
-Oxygen levels return to normal.

In 24 hours:
Chance of heart attack begins to decrease.

In 48 hours:
-Nerve endings begin to regrow.
-Senses of taste and smell go back to normal.

In three days:
-Breathing capacity becomes better as lung capacity increases.

Within two weeks to three months:
-More energy and body colors changes.
-Lungs function up to 30% better.

Within one to nine months:
-Ling cilia begins to regrow and coughing and sinus congestion and shortness of breath decrease.

In one year:
-The risk of coronary heart disease is cut in half.

In five years:
-The risk of lung cancer and cancers of the mouth, throat, and esophagus is reduced by 50%, stroke risk is also decreased.

In ten years:
-The risk of cancer of the bladder, kidney, cervix, and pancreas decreases.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Saudi Arabia Important Figures and Components

-Owns 23% of the world's oil reserves.
Saudi Royal Family- Navigated to the modern political landscape to avoid being taken advantage of by other superpowers.
Wahhabism- Ultra-conservative form of Sunni-Islam.
Hajj- Holiest site in faith located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
ARAMCO- Key US company for cheap oil to help strengthen the U.S.- Saudi relationship.
Mahdi Army- 1979 terrorist group that took over the Grand Mosque in Mecca.
Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden- Osama bin Laden's father.
Al Qaeda- Osama bin Laden developed it with his inheritance from his father.
Persian Gulf- Waterway where oil tankers travel.
Zacarias Moussauoi- Claimed more than a dozen Saudi figures where donors to Al Qaeda and that a Saudi diplomat in Washington discussed with him a plot to shoot down Air Force One.
-1980s- US and Saudi Arbaia were partners in bankrolling the Mujahedeen.

Thursday, April 30, 2015


-90% of oil out of all countries.
-There are 26,000,000 people that live in Iraq.
-Single nation country that was overthrown by the British.
-1958: British King was overthrown by Iraqi people.
-1963: CIA took over Iraqi president because they were too close to the USSR.
-Saddam Hussein made a conference to expand his party.
-Saddam entered war with Iran in 1980.
-Brutal tactics used in the war like chemical weapons.
-Ba'ath Party- Ruled from 1963-2003.
-Iraq supported by France, USSR, and the U.S.

Iran: 1979

-Citizens are Shi'ite Muslims.
-Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi had sufficient income to do government projects from the oil industry.
-No desire to help the people of the country.
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini- Inspired and led protests.
-Took over the Shah and promised a democratic government.
Ayatollah- Member of Iran's leading sect, Shia Muslims who make up 10% of Muslim population.
-Believed in the Quran and the government should respect religion.
SAVAK- Barbaric secret police that assassinated many ayatollahs.
-The Shah was very wealthy and spent money on luxuries.
-Khomeini got people to protest against the Shah even after his exile.
Iranian Hostage Crisis- US embassy held hostage for more than a year.
-The Shah said US was "Great Satan" and quit working with them.
-The Shah died of cancer.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Equal and Opposite

The oceans are vast.
Blue with their shimmering lights.
Reflections can be seen.
There is always a new image.
Every one is different.
Unique as can be.
This is the way everything should be.
There is no right or wrong.
But, instead a right for everything.
Everything is different and unique in fashion.
If only everyone could see it with their eyes.
Maybe they would notice.

Painted Skies

Sunny skies.
Oh so blue.
Each time I look up I see the clouds.
They are like cotton painted with a brush.
The true artist within is at work.
Making a masterpiece within the skies.
Everywhere I look there is a new piece.
It makes me smile to know there is always something new.
I will never get bored when looking around.
I will always know there is something out there.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

School of the Americas

School of the Americas (SOA)- A U.S. based military training center for Latin American military forces.
-SOA has trained over 60,000 Latin American soldiers from 22 countries.
-From conventional infantry combat, counterinsurgency, and special warfare, counter-narcotic operations, and military intelligence.
-To protect against the USSR during the Cold War.
-Many trainees returned home and committed acts of violence.
SOA- Established in 1946 as the U.S. Army Carribean Training Center in Panama.
-Assist in professional action for the forces.
-In 1984, under the terms of the 1977 Panama Canal treaties, the school was transferred to Fort Benning.
February 5, 1997- U.S. House of Representatives said the SOA had some of the worst human rights issues.
-The initial bill to end the SOA was defeated, as well the second in 1998. 
1999- Congress voted 230-197 to cut approximately 10% of the SOA funds.


The jewel for the wealthy.
It's shimmer is what attracts.
It is a given whenever choosing jewelry.
They are expensive, even when very tiny.
But, most people don't know their background.
Where they come from, or who mines them.
It's a struggle for those who do.
Payment is low, as well hard labor.
Out for hours on end trying to find one.
It is their only hope to come upon one.
Because they may get rewarded.
So be lucky for who you are,
and think about tiny things you usually don't notice.
Because they may be the biggest.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Blood Diamonds in Sierra Leone

            Diamonds in Sierra Leone were mostly used in the war for money to buy military equipment. These are widely known as a blood diamonds. They can be defined as, a diamond traded by rebellions against the government for war needs. During the war in Sierra Leone, vast amounts of diamonds were mined around the country by the rebels. They would use children and others to mine them and then later trade them for large amounts of money. This money would then be used to buy military equipment such as guns, ammunition, clothing, shoes, and medical aid. The rebels used this to their advantage to attack the government to take over. The mass amounts of murder and blood involved can explain the meaning of a "blood diamond", since they were used to facilitate in killing people. Many years after the war, many Africans would wear these diamonds as signs of wealth and "bling". Sierra Leone was such a rundown and poor country after the war, so people would wear "bling" or diamonds to look fancy and fake. Fake in context of looking different because of the rarity of being wealthy. It think that the diamond trade isn't fair to all the people involved because of the treatment they get. Workers work in harsh environments with very little clothing, or none at all. Also they receive very little pay, while the owners are very wealthy and are the only ones benefiting from it, while the country suffers from poverty.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

NSA Surveillance Programs

Metadata- Number making and receiving to and from a phone. Also how long a call lasts.
-Phone companies such as AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile give metadata information to the NSA.
PRISM- Cooperation of social media networks collecting information about users.
-Facebook revealed between 18,000-19,000 user data in 2012 to the NSA.
XKEYSCORE- Software made by the NSA that can track any data from social media.
-The NSA selects specific targets outside the U.S. or "suspected terrorists".
Foreign Intelligence Surveilence Act (FISA)- Prohibits recording of domestic communications.
FISA Court- Provides warrants to the NSA to carry out spying on U.S. citizens.
-37,664 numbers and emails tapped from 2001-2007.
-8% were domestic: 2,612 numbers and 406 emails.
-Used to find terrorists and illegal immigrants.
-The NSA needs 51% confidence to get information from someone.
-These acts committed by the NSA are against the 4th amendment.
-The NSA can keep the information for up to 5 years.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Issues with International Law

-George W. Bush said that the Geneva Conventions laws doesn't apply when dealing with terrorists with connections to Al-Qaeda, or African Talibans.
-Terrorist suspects held in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba (GITMO), Afghanistan, and secret CIA locations.
-The U.S. extended GTIMO to U.S. controlled locations in Iraq.

Option 1- Traditional laws are ineffectual
-International law on torture is vague.
-Aggressive interrogation is crucial to information about attacks.
-Harsh treatment may prevent people from joining terrorist groups.

Option 2- The U.S. must respect international law
-The U.S. abiding laws shows them as a leader in morality and not giving civil rights.
-Following the laws of Geneva Conventions isn't the U.S.'s priority because it puts their personnel at risk.
-Violating international law tarnishes the U.S.'s image in the world.

Time Capsule

I walk along the narrow dirt path.
There are trees and brush everywhere to be seen.
They surround me as though I am trapped.
This world of lost memories stays enclosed.
I try many times to escape, but it seems as though it is one big circle.
One big circle that never ends.
Time goes on and lasts forever.
This time capsule will never end.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Aristotle Quote Analysis

At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst.

           I feel that this quote explains the meaning of being controlled in a good and bad way. If there are rules that a society has to follow and all are followed, then that society can be well behaved as well make progress. People will have the urge to make progress ingrained in their brains, so the society ends up as a successful group. When a society is unrestrained, the people tend to go crazy over power and do as their savage instints tell them to do. That is when chaos erupts and no progress is made, making them the worst from being separated from law and justice.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Coup in Chile

-Chile has an abundant amount of copper and it is also very profitable.
-The Gran Minería is U.S. controlled companies in Guatemala named Anaconda Company and Kennecot Copper Company.
-They are massive copper mines around the country.
Nationalism- Government taking over an administration.
-Salvador Allende ran for candidate of the Popular Unity coalition.
-His plan was to sweep land reforms, make nationalization of the foreign dominated Gran Minería, make labor reforms, social welfare, and economic programs.
Track II- Encouraged a military coup to be formed.
Henry Kissinger- Security advisor to President Nixon.

July, 1971
-158 senators voted to ratify the amendment.
December 4, 1972
-Allende had a speech before the UN and it failed to gain support.
-Christain Democratic Party- Blocked Allende's reform attempts at the same time that members of his coalition urged him to speed up.
-The U.S. continued to aid Chile's military against Allende.

September 11, 1973
-Allende called for a vote from his people on his support in taking his planned actions.
-The military attacked La Moneda, the presidential palace.
-Chilean military was trying to destroy socialist parties.
-Allende was murdered in the process.
General Augusto Pinochet- Ruled Chile for the next 17 years.
-Thousands of deaths occurred weeks after.
-He decreed Amnesty in 1978 to shield people responsible for human rights violations.
-130,000 people were killed by coups.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Shapes and Sizes

People come in different shapes and sizes.
Some are big and some are small.
Some are genius and some are average.
Some are athletic and some are sedentary.
Some are caring and some are uncaring.
Some are adventurous and some are boring.
These properties make up the individual themself.
It doesn't matter what combination they turn out to be.
Some people judge for who others are.
But people should realize others may think the same about them.
It is a personal preference and shouldn't be public.
So next time you are judging just remember,
people come in different shapes and sizes.
Just like you.

Guatemala: 1954

-Guzman redistributed 160000 acres of land owned by the United Fruit Company (Chiquita's) and gave it to pheasants.
-United Fruit had 42% of the country's land.
-They didn't have to pay any taxes on imports or exports.

Operation PBSUCCESS- The CIA operation to overthrow the communist President of Guatemala, Jacob Arbenz Guzman, and get back the United Fruit Company's land he took away.
-Arbenz fled to Cuba and Colonel Castillo Armas rose to power.
-He returned all the land back to the United Fruit Company.
-United Fruit Company had to then start paying taxes for imports and exports.

January, 1968
-2,800 intellectuals, students, trade union leaders, and pheasants were murdered by terrorists.
-Police and security forces weren't held responsible anymore for homocides.
-Plantation owners had the power of high officers to keep people away from the land.
-Owners had guns, which they used forcefully.
-Of the 70,000 people that were killed in this time period, 30,000 were children.
-Infant mortality was 40 times higher than the U.S.
-About 120,000 people were killed in the Civil War.
-Security forces had killed about 65,000 people.
-Almost half the population was unemployed.
-40,000 people have "dissappeared".

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Interstellar Travel

           When thinking about the possibility of doing interstellar travel, there is a factor called the "giggle factor." It almost seems impossible to physically do it considering the vast distance it would take to travel. One reason is that humans can't physically travel faster than the speed of light with the equipment we have. This is called the Special Relitivity (1905) stating, "no usable information can travel faster than light locally, and hence it would take centuries to millennia for an extra-terrestrial civilization to travel between the stars". Just the stars we see at night are about 50 to 100 lights years from earth compared to the Milky Way Galaxy being about 100,000 light years across on a bigger scale. Also the nearest galaxy closest to the Milky Way is 2 million lights years away. This is the reason that scientists here on earth consider Interstellar travel to be almost impossible to do. The only possible solution to this problem would be engineering some kind of spacecraft with materials from another world. The only problem to this is that no planets have been detected with intelligent alien life that have this knowledge. Who knows though? Maybe someday in the near future humans will invent intelligent technology way past our current knowledge today. And travel places no one has gone before!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

In Class Discussion About The Kite Runner

           One thing that I found really interesting was the thoughts people had about which event was worse; Amir watching Hassan gettin raped, or Amir putting his money and watch on Hassan's mattress. I felt like him putting the money and watch on the mattress was worse because of his strong ignorance in doing it to get rid of him. He wanted to get rid of Hassan just so he could be the one kid Baba would give attention to and be proud of. He felt like Baba was only proud of Hassan because of his similarities he had with him and Amir not having much similarities. Him not doing anything about the rape was most likely from him being in shock and not knowing how to handle it correctly. They were very young when it happened and didn't have much knowledge of what was actually happening, so it wasn't entirely Amir's fault for not standing up. I also feel that if Amir would have spilled out the truth about the rape early on, his dad would have respected him more and Hassan and him would have stayed friends. The mattress incident was far worse in ways of the post events that occurred after. It literally ripped the whole family apart from Ali and Hassan leaving Amir and Baba. From Baba being so devestated by this, it exemplifies Amir's ignorance. Since Baba was known for his strong emotional and physical strength and he cried for Ali to stay, it shows Amir's ignorance even further. Overall, I strongly feel that Amir used to be very ignorant and should have thought over his consequences before he did these actions.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

A Father

A father is what every boy needs as a child. 
A father is the support to the roots of their lives.
A father helps nourish these roots and keep them pure.
A father gives a boy his first smile.
A father gives a boy his first enjoyment.
A father helps all the way through until adulthood.
A father gives the essential needs to this development.
A father is the one who a boy needs in this life. 
A father is the one who supports this tree of life.

Baba and Amir

           The relationship between Baba and Amir is pretty complicated at times throughout the novel. There are times that Baba almost ignores Amir in his presence and there are times that he realizes Amir's worthiness. During the beginning of the novel Amir said something that shows an abstract meaning of their relationship. He states it as, "But mostly because, as the trees froze and ice sheathed the roads, the chill between Baba and me thawed a little. And the reason for that was the kites. Baba and I lived in the same house, but in different spheres of existence, kites where the one paper thin slice of intersection between those spheres" (49). Up until the death of Baba, Amir tries his hardest to prove his worthiness to him. The only way he thought possible was winning the the kite tournament, which Baba did respect him after, but only for a short time. He even feels like Baba is almost always disappointed in him from his cowardice and not being emotionally strong. Amir feels pretty depressed from it, but in his own eyes can see it as true. After a long time of silence with Hassan, Amir proved to himself and Baba that he isn't strong with his problems. An example from talking to Baba states, He put on his gloves again. "I grew up with Allie," he said through clenched teeth. Forty years Ali's been with my family. Forty goddamn years. And you think I'm going to just throw him out?" He turned to me now, his face as red as a tulip. "I've never laid a hand on you, Amir, but you ever say that again..." He looked away shaking his head. "You bring me shame. An Hassan... Hassan's not going anywhere, do you understands?" (90). This proves that Baba does have shame in Amir, which Amir only makes it harder on himself. Their relationship does eventually get better over time as Amir grows into an adult and he gets what he finally wanted, a caring father. From all the problems Amir and Baba have gone through, I feel pretty badly for Amir. All he wanted was a caring father to love back and it he didn't have that as a kid, so that's why I feel bad for him. Overall, I feel the relationship hasn't been very leveled throughout the novel, but it made me feel better when Baba made up for all of it in the end. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Just War Theory

Just War Theory- Body of principles developed over centuries that attempt to argue what justifies the declaration of war and what rules govern the subsequent conduct of fighting.

Jus ad bellum- Criterea by which a state has legal or moral right to resort to force.

1. Just Cause- Self defense of a nation that is physically and aggressively attacked by another nation.

2. Right Intention- Nation that wages the war has a good reason and ensure just cause is attained at the end. 

3. Proper Authority & Public Declaration- Decision by proper authorities of state following the laws.

4. Last Resort- Only war if there is no means of doing it peacefully.

5. Probability of Success- Only initiated if deemed likely to be a success.

Jus in bello- Justice in war.

1. Proportionality- Before waging war, a state must evaluate the good in it against the death and destruction. Benefits must outway the cost of human lives.

2. Discrimination- Combatants must distinguish between soldier and civilians and only target other combatants.

Shimmering Light

The glimmering light
shines upon the waves out there.
I see it changing.

Moving curiously,
the light shines brighter than ever.
It falls upon me.

I feel the energy,
which surges throughout my body.
A lift of power, maybe?

Since after this event
I have always felt different.
A stronger being, I am.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Health Quote Analysis

"To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear." -Buddha

           To me this quote means that in order to keep yourself healthy, you have to contribute your mind in to make good choices. Your mind is the most important factor because it is the way you motivate yourself to stay active and eat healthy. But, if you don't keep your body healthy, then you aren't able to focus as well and won't be able to make as good choices.

Nisour Square Massacre

Baghdad - September 16, 2007
-Convoy of 4 armored vehicles with armed Blackwater soldiers (Raven 23) left the green zone into Baghdad.
-17 Iraqi civilians shot and killed and 20 others wounded at Nisour Square.
-9 year old Ali Kinani was the youngest killed from a gunshot to the head.
*Blackwater- A U.S. company founded by Erik Prince that provides private security and mercenaries for hire to countries.

Washington- May, 2008
-Mohammed Kinachi flew to Washington to testify against the grand jury to investigate the shooting.
-December, 2008- five Blackwater guards were charged with manslaughter.
-Judge Ricardo Urina dismissed the charges because of serious misconduct.
-Blackwater proposed a $10,000 price per death, but Kinani refused.
-They eventually accepted the money after much pressure, but only under one condition of a $5000 donation from the family to the family of the U.S. soldier killed in Iraq.
-A gift for any U.S. soldier that fought for the sake of Iraq.
-An attorney from Blackwater offered Mohammed $20,000, but he refused and said he would sign off all his rights if the Blackwater owner apologizes to him publicly in America.
-They said they wouldn't appologize.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Albert Einstein Quote Analysis

"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."

-Albert Einstein 

           The rules of the game is an abstract saying for the way life works. There are consequences in life depending on the choices a person makes. These are the "rules", or consequences for a person's actions. If you make bad choices, then you have to pay the consequences for your mistake and if you make good choices, then there is no consequences. These are the idea of breaking a law, or the "rules" of the game of life. Playing better than anyone else is talking about trying your hardest to be successful and passing by what others haven't. This can be either by picking up on others mistakes and correcting them yourself, or being an abstract thinker and surpassing others.

Layer Over Layer

You are like the snow that slowly falls down,

creating a layer to top the ground.

Protection is what you are, like the crown.

These tiny snowflakes make a massive mound,

for which the children come out and play on.

A barrier between the ground and them.

No one anywhere around see the lawn.

For that is fine from the fun it brings on.

But, there is a downside, for it is cold.

The bitterness if there is no jacket.

Mothers have learned themselves, for which they've told.

There should be some dangers in a packet.

As long as there is snow all around us.

People can realize beauty is a must.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Interstellar Summary

           The movie is about Earth on the brink of dying out of sources and the human race trying to find another planet that is suitable for life. There is a large dust bowl that has swept through the earth, killing all the sources of food, except corn. Scientists have found a new way to keep an abundance of corn that will help the humans survive until a new planet is found. Also NASA has detected a worm hole not to far away from earth that will allow astronauts to do interstellar travel from the Milkey Way Galaxy to another galaxy many light years away. Cooper is in a citation for an opportunity to save the world, but has to leave his daughter in the process. In this other Galaxy, one hour is equivalent to seven earth year, so he has to hurry. Cooper and two other astronauts travel by space ship through the worm hole and come out the other side into a new galaxy where two suitable planets for life are. They land on a planet where it is filled with water that is a couple of feet high and collect samples from the planet. After, they dock on a space station where they figure out what has to happen next to return home and create a way for human life to keep going on. They have artificial eggs where they have stored on the vessel that preserves them to hatch at a later time and grow up as a new human civilization. After they head off to another planet and another astronaut turn on them by trying to infiltrate the space station, but fails by not being able to align the ship with the lock on mechanism. Part of the station is blown up in the process and the only solution to get back to earth is to lock back on to the spinning station exactly and launch the ship into a black hole. In the black hole Cooper experiences strange events where he is presented in front of him the past events in his life. He stops when he sees his daughter standing in her room going through old boxes. He tries to communicate, but can't because he is trapped behind the bookcase in her room in this dimension. He sees her holding up the watch he gave her before he left and communicates by Morris code by tapping on the books. The minute hand on the watch corresponds to the code and she notices this and soon realizes he is watching her and is still alive. Cooper finds his way back to earth in far later years and is only a little bit older while his daughter is on the brink of death on a hospital bed. This world is now distorted to a new dimension and he has to live through this from now on.

Malcolm X Quote Analysis

"Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery."

-Malcolm X

           The meaning of this quote is pretty much stating that all African Americans should obey the laws and be respectful, until there is an act of violence occurring toward them by a white man. He was very much involved in the process of violence towards whites, but only in the means of it happening to an African American first. He was sick and tired of this racism and violence that was happening only for amusement, so much that he was promoting violence toward the whites. Even know the whites have had a bad reputation of racism, he didn't want it to be too chaotic so that African Americans were only attacking whites because of anger, but only in the act of protection.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Power is like the top of a mountain.
It is the highest point you can get to.
It is also like a giant fountain.
It sprays all the commands all over you.
Sometimes it can be good toward all people.
Sometimes it can be bad toward all people.
Sometimes it can be always equal.
Sometimes it can be not always equal.
If not good toward the benefit of us,
then we might as well stop it all right now.
If not worthy, then there can not be trust.
But, if there is a civilized person,
then there can be a chance and hope for us.
So think before you do things and trust.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Lord of the Flies: Piggy Character Analysis

            Piggy is a very intellectual character compared to the other boys in the group. He is one of the few very important characters toward the survival of the group itself. He is overweight, has asthma, wears glasses, and is made fun of by the other group members, except Ralph. He is kind of like the co-leader of the group in Ralph's perspective from the context of the book, but isn't actually mention by him. Jack, especially likes to torment Piggy because of his whimpy character and most likely because he is more intelligent than him. Piggy's intelligent inventions and thoughts have lead to the "somewhat" success of the group, such as the sundial idea, the shelters, or motivation. The changes in piggy's glasses, such as flashing, or fogging up shows the mood he is in. Also his glasses are used as a mechanism for focusing the sun's rays on wood and lighting it on fire. From all the intelligence Piggy holds, he is a symbol of success for civilization. He is pretty much characterized as the scientific, rational side of the group.  

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Important Symbols and Motifs in "The Lord of the Flies"

Piggy's Glasses: His glasses tell the mood he is in by the condition they are in. When they flash, it shows he is angry and misting up shows humiliation, or saddness. It symbolizes his intelligence within the group of boys. Anytime h puts on his glasses, he is about to say something important. Used as a way of making fire by magnifying the sun's rays onto wood.

Conch Shell: Symbolizes civilization and order for the group of boys. It acts as a right to speak when someone is holding it. Ralph is able to speak even when he is not holding it.

Beastie: At first the littluns thought of it as a scary beast. It is later found out that this beast is actually inside all of the boys. It is a symbol for the savagery and anarchy that occurs between Jack and Ralph for power over the group.

Nighttime: Something feared by the group of boys because it contains a so called "beast" lurking throughout the island during this time.

Signal Fire: It is a symbol of civilization because it gets the boys to work together to get rescued, but when the signal goes out, the boys become barbarrack and chaotic and lose interest in being rescued. It also shows the strength of the civilized instinct within the boys. 

Storm: The storm after the murder of Simon symbolizes and exemplifies the gruesome murder and chaos that has taken over the island. When the storm washes away Simon and the parachutist, it shows that the beast actually doesn't exist.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


There is no escape from this horrible way of living.
Races against society and society against races.
For thousands of years this madness has broken people apart.
Slowly isolating the needs of united beings.
For we all can solve this, but haven't noticed.
This way of living breaks the needs of a human nature.
For all we know, it may be us against the world.