Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Coup in Chile

-Chile has an abundant amount of copper and it is also very profitable.
-The Gran Minería is U.S. controlled companies in Guatemala named Anaconda Company and Kennecot Copper Company.
-They are massive copper mines around the country.
Nationalism- Government taking over an administration.
-Salvador Allende ran for candidate of the Popular Unity coalition.
-His plan was to sweep land reforms, make nationalization of the foreign dominated Gran Minería, make labor reforms, social welfare, and economic programs.
Track II- Encouraged a military coup to be formed.
Henry Kissinger- Security advisor to President Nixon.

July, 1971
-158 senators voted to ratify the amendment.
December 4, 1972
-Allende had a speech before the UN and it failed to gain support.
-Christain Democratic Party- Blocked Allende's reform attempts at the same time that members of his coalition urged him to speed up.
-The U.S. continued to aid Chile's military against Allende.

September 11, 1973
-Allende called for a vote from his people on his support in taking his planned actions.
-The military attacked La Moneda, the presidential palace.
-Chilean military was trying to destroy socialist parties.
-Allende was murdered in the process.
General Augusto Pinochet- Ruled Chile for the next 17 years.
-Thousands of deaths occurred weeks after.
-He decreed Amnesty in 1978 to shield people responsible for human rights violations.
-130,000 people were killed by coups.

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