Thursday, March 12, 2015

Guatemala: 1954

-Guzman redistributed 160000 acres of land owned by the United Fruit Company (Chiquita's) and gave it to pheasants.
-United Fruit had 42% of the country's land.
-They didn't have to pay any taxes on imports or exports.

Operation PBSUCCESS- The CIA operation to overthrow the communist President of Guatemala, Jacob Arbenz Guzman, and get back the United Fruit Company's land he took away.
-Arbenz fled to Cuba and Colonel Castillo Armas rose to power.
-He returned all the land back to the United Fruit Company.
-United Fruit Company had to then start paying taxes for imports and exports.

January, 1968
-2,800 intellectuals, students, trade union leaders, and pheasants were murdered by terrorists.
-Police and security forces weren't held responsible anymore for homocides.
-Plantation owners had the power of high officers to keep people away from the land.
-Owners had guns, which they used forcefully.
-Of the 70,000 people that were killed in this time period, 30,000 were children.
-Infant mortality was 40 times higher than the U.S.
-About 120,000 people were killed in the Civil War.
-Security forces had killed about 65,000 people.
-Almost half the population was unemployed.
-40,000 people have "dissappeared".

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