Thursday, March 26, 2015

Issues with International Law

-George W. Bush said that the Geneva Conventions laws doesn't apply when dealing with terrorists with connections to Al-Qaeda, or African Talibans.
-Terrorist suspects held in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba (GITMO), Afghanistan, and secret CIA locations.
-The U.S. extended GTIMO to U.S. controlled locations in Iraq.

Option 1- Traditional laws are ineffectual
-International law on torture is vague.
-Aggressive interrogation is crucial to information about attacks.
-Harsh treatment may prevent people from joining terrorist groups.

Option 2- The U.S. must respect international law
-The U.S. abiding laws shows them as a leader in morality and not giving civil rights.
-Following the laws of Geneva Conventions isn't the U.S.'s priority because it puts their personnel at risk.
-Violating international law tarnishes the U.S.'s image in the world.

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