Wednesday, April 1, 2015

NSA Surveillance Programs

Metadata- Number making and receiving to and from a phone. Also how long a call lasts.
-Phone companies such as AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile give metadata information to the NSA.
PRISM- Cooperation of social media networks collecting information about users.
-Facebook revealed between 18,000-19,000 user data in 2012 to the NSA.
XKEYSCORE- Software made by the NSA that can track any data from social media.
-The NSA selects specific targets outside the U.S. or "suspected terrorists".
Foreign Intelligence Surveilence Act (FISA)- Prohibits recording of domestic communications.
FISA Court- Provides warrants to the NSA to carry out spying on U.S. citizens.
-37,664 numbers and emails tapped from 2001-2007.
-8% were domestic: 2,612 numbers and 406 emails.
-Used to find terrorists and illegal immigrants.
-The NSA needs 51% confidence to get information from someone.
-These acts committed by the NSA are against the 4th amendment.
-The NSA can keep the information for up to 5 years.

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