Thursday, April 30, 2015

Iran: 1979

-Citizens are Shi'ite Muslims.
-Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi had sufficient income to do government projects from the oil industry.
-No desire to help the people of the country.
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini- Inspired and led protests.
-Took over the Shah and promised a democratic government.
Ayatollah- Member of Iran's leading sect, Shia Muslims who make up 10% of Muslim population.
-Believed in the Quran and the government should respect religion.
SAVAK- Barbaric secret police that assassinated many ayatollahs.
-The Shah was very wealthy and spent money on luxuries.
-Khomeini got people to protest against the Shah even after his exile.
Iranian Hostage Crisis- US embassy held hostage for more than a year.
-The Shah said US was "Great Satan" and quit working with them.
-The Shah died of cancer.

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