Friday, May 22, 2015

Afghanistan in Conflict

Great Game-A geopolitic contest between Britain and czarist Russia.
-Russians wanted the south and British wanted to protect India.
-Area is difficult to control.
Soviet War in Afghanistan- Leaders turned against each other in 1979 and the Soviets intervened to flank. Kremlin leaders sent tens of thousands of troops there, which turned into a hopeless battle.
Mujahedeen- US and allies supporting Afghan guerrillas who battled the Soviet Union.
Proxy war- Fighting against an enemy through another source.
Al Qaeda- Radicial Islamist who accept outside aid as a necessity, which turned on the US later on.
Kabul- Capital of Afghanistan where a divided coalition of Afghan guerrillas pushed the communists out.
Taliban- A group of Muslim students from Pakistan.
ISI- Pakistans military intelligence service.
Ahmad Massoud- A former Mujahideen leader returned to the north to form a resistance on the Taliban.
Northern Alliance- Dostum joined forces with Mossoud
-In August 1998, Al-Qaeda bombed the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania killing more than 250 people.
-October 12, 2000, Al-Qaeda bombed the USS Cole in the harbor of Aden, Yemen killing 17 US soldeires and wounding 37 others.
Hamid Karzai- A leader of the most prominent Pashtun families.

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