Tuesday, February 24, 2015

In Class Discussion About The Kite Runner

           One thing that I found really interesting was the thoughts people had about which event was worse; Amir watching Hassan gettin raped, or Amir putting his money and watch on Hassan's mattress. I felt like him putting the money and watch on the mattress was worse because of his strong ignorance in doing it to get rid of him. He wanted to get rid of Hassan just so he could be the one kid Baba would give attention to and be proud of. He felt like Baba was only proud of Hassan because of his similarities he had with him and Amir not having much similarities. Him not doing anything about the rape was most likely from him being in shock and not knowing how to handle it correctly. They were very young when it happened and didn't have much knowledge of what was actually happening, so it wasn't entirely Amir's fault for not standing up. I also feel that if Amir would have spilled out the truth about the rape early on, his dad would have respected him more and Hassan and him would have stayed friends. The mattress incident was far worse in ways of the post events that occurred after. It literally ripped the whole family apart from Ali and Hassan leaving Amir and Baba. From Baba being so devestated by this, it exemplifies Amir's ignorance. Since Baba was known for his strong emotional and physical strength and he cried for Ali to stay, it shows Amir's ignorance even further. Overall, I strongly feel that Amir used to be very ignorant and should have thought over his consequences before he did these actions.

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