Thursday, February 12, 2015

Just War Theory

Just War Theory- Body of principles developed over centuries that attempt to argue what justifies the declaration of war and what rules govern the subsequent conduct of fighting.

Jus ad bellum- Criterea by which a state has legal or moral right to resort to force.

1. Just Cause- Self defense of a nation that is physically and aggressively attacked by another nation.

2. Right Intention- Nation that wages the war has a good reason and ensure just cause is attained at the end. 

3. Proper Authority & Public Declaration- Decision by proper authorities of state following the laws.

4. Last Resort- Only war if there is no means of doing it peacefully.

5. Probability of Success- Only initiated if deemed likely to be a success.

Jus in bello- Justice in war.

1. Proportionality- Before waging war, a state must evaluate the good in it against the death and destruction. Benefits must outway the cost of human lives.

2. Discrimination- Combatants must distinguish between soldier and civilians and only target other combatants.

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