Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Nisour Square Massacre

Baghdad - September 16, 2007
-Convoy of 4 armored vehicles with armed Blackwater soldiers (Raven 23) left the green zone into Baghdad.
-17 Iraqi civilians shot and killed and 20 others wounded at Nisour Square.
-9 year old Ali Kinani was the youngest killed from a gunshot to the head.
*Blackwater- A U.S. company founded by Erik Prince that provides private security and mercenaries for hire to countries.

Washington- May, 2008
-Mohammed Kinachi flew to Washington to testify against the grand jury to investigate the shooting.
-December, 2008- five Blackwater guards were charged with manslaughter.
-Judge Ricardo Urina dismissed the charges because of serious misconduct.
-Blackwater proposed a $10,000 price per death, but Kinani refused.
-They eventually accepted the money after much pressure, but only under one condition of a $5000 donation from the family to the family of the U.S. soldier killed in Iraq.
-A gift for any U.S. soldier that fought for the sake of Iraq.
-An attorney from Blackwater offered Mohammed $20,000, but he refused and said he would sign off all his rights if the Blackwater owner apologizes to him publicly in America.
-They said they wouldn't appologize.

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