Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Lord of the Flies: Piggy Character Analysis

            Piggy is a very intellectual character compared to the other boys in the group. He is one of the few very important characters toward the survival of the group itself. He is overweight, has asthma, wears glasses, and is made fun of by the other group members, except Ralph. He is kind of like the co-leader of the group in Ralph's perspective from the context of the book, but isn't actually mention by him. Jack, especially likes to torment Piggy because of his whimpy character and most likely because he is more intelligent than him. Piggy's intelligent inventions and thoughts have lead to the "somewhat" success of the group, such as the sundial idea, the shelters, or motivation. The changes in piggy's glasses, such as flashing, or fogging up shows the mood he is in. Also his glasses are used as a mechanism for focusing the sun's rays on wood and lighting it on fire. From all the intelligence Piggy holds, he is a symbol of success for civilization. He is pretty much characterized as the scientific, rational side of the group.  

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