Thursday, January 8, 2015

Important Symbols and Motifs in "The Lord of the Flies"

Piggy's Glasses: His glasses tell the mood he is in by the condition they are in. When they flash, it shows he is angry and misting up shows humiliation, or saddness. It symbolizes his intelligence within the group of boys. Anytime h puts on his glasses, he is about to say something important. Used as a way of making fire by magnifying the sun's rays onto wood.

Conch Shell: Symbolizes civilization and order for the group of boys. It acts as a right to speak when someone is holding it. Ralph is able to speak even when he is not holding it.

Beastie: At first the littluns thought of it as a scary beast. It is later found out that this beast is actually inside all of the boys. It is a symbol for the savagery and anarchy that occurs between Jack and Ralph for power over the group.

Nighttime: Something feared by the group of boys because it contains a so called "beast" lurking throughout the island during this time.

Signal Fire: It is a symbol of civilization because it gets the boys to work together to get rescued, but when the signal goes out, the boys become barbarrack and chaotic and lose interest in being rescued. It also shows the strength of the civilized instinct within the boys. 

Storm: The storm after the murder of Simon symbolizes and exemplifies the gruesome murder and chaos that has taken over the island. When the storm washes away Simon and the parachutist, it shows that the beast actually doesn't exist.

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