Thursday, February 26, 2015

Interstellar Travel

           When thinking about the possibility of doing interstellar travel, there is a factor called the "giggle factor." It almost seems impossible to physically do it considering the vast distance it would take to travel. One reason is that humans can't physically travel faster than the speed of light with the equipment we have. This is called the Special Relitivity (1905) stating, "no usable information can travel faster than light locally, and hence it would take centuries to millennia for an extra-terrestrial civilization to travel between the stars". Just the stars we see at night are about 50 to 100 lights years from earth compared to the Milky Way Galaxy being about 100,000 light years across on a bigger scale. Also the nearest galaxy closest to the Milky Way is 2 million lights years away. This is the reason that scientists here on earth consider Interstellar travel to be almost impossible to do. The only possible solution to this problem would be engineering some kind of spacecraft with materials from another world. The only problem to this is that no planets have been detected with intelligent alien life that have this knowledge. Who knows though? Maybe someday in the near future humans will invent intelligent technology way past our current knowledge today. And travel places no one has gone before!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

In Class Discussion About The Kite Runner

           One thing that I found really interesting was the thoughts people had about which event was worse; Amir watching Hassan gettin raped, or Amir putting his money and watch on Hassan's mattress. I felt like him putting the money and watch on the mattress was worse because of his strong ignorance in doing it to get rid of him. He wanted to get rid of Hassan just so he could be the one kid Baba would give attention to and be proud of. He felt like Baba was only proud of Hassan because of his similarities he had with him and Amir not having much similarities. Him not doing anything about the rape was most likely from him being in shock and not knowing how to handle it correctly. They were very young when it happened and didn't have much knowledge of what was actually happening, so it wasn't entirely Amir's fault for not standing up. I also feel that if Amir would have spilled out the truth about the rape early on, his dad would have respected him more and Hassan and him would have stayed friends. The mattress incident was far worse in ways of the post events that occurred after. It literally ripped the whole family apart from Ali and Hassan leaving Amir and Baba. From Baba being so devestated by this, it exemplifies Amir's ignorance. Since Baba was known for his strong emotional and physical strength and he cried for Ali to stay, it shows Amir's ignorance even further. Overall, I strongly feel that Amir used to be very ignorant and should have thought over his consequences before he did these actions.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

A Father

A father is what every boy needs as a child. 
A father is the support to the roots of their lives.
A father helps nourish these roots and keep them pure.
A father gives a boy his first smile.
A father gives a boy his first enjoyment.
A father helps all the way through until adulthood.
A father gives the essential needs to this development.
A father is the one who a boy needs in this life. 
A father is the one who supports this tree of life.

Baba and Amir

           The relationship between Baba and Amir is pretty complicated at times throughout the novel. There are times that Baba almost ignores Amir in his presence and there are times that he realizes Amir's worthiness. During the beginning of the novel Amir said something that shows an abstract meaning of their relationship. He states it as, "But mostly because, as the trees froze and ice sheathed the roads, the chill between Baba and me thawed a little. And the reason for that was the kites. Baba and I lived in the same house, but in different spheres of existence, kites where the one paper thin slice of intersection between those spheres" (49). Up until the death of Baba, Amir tries his hardest to prove his worthiness to him. The only way he thought possible was winning the the kite tournament, which Baba did respect him after, but only for a short time. He even feels like Baba is almost always disappointed in him from his cowardice and not being emotionally strong. Amir feels pretty depressed from it, but in his own eyes can see it as true. After a long time of silence with Hassan, Amir proved to himself and Baba that he isn't strong with his problems. An example from talking to Baba states, He put on his gloves again. "I grew up with Allie," he said through clenched teeth. Forty years Ali's been with my family. Forty goddamn years. And you think I'm going to just throw him out?" He turned to me now, his face as red as a tulip. "I've never laid a hand on you, Amir, but you ever say that again..." He looked away shaking his head. "You bring me shame. An Hassan... Hassan's not going anywhere, do you understands?" (90). This proves that Baba does have shame in Amir, which Amir only makes it harder on himself. Their relationship does eventually get better over time as Amir grows into an adult and he gets what he finally wanted, a caring father. From all the problems Amir and Baba have gone through, I feel pretty badly for Amir. All he wanted was a caring father to love back and it he didn't have that as a kid, so that's why I feel bad for him. Overall, I feel the relationship hasn't been very leveled throughout the novel, but it made me feel better when Baba made up for all of it in the end. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Just War Theory

Just War Theory- Body of principles developed over centuries that attempt to argue what justifies the declaration of war and what rules govern the subsequent conduct of fighting.

Jus ad bellum- Criterea by which a state has legal or moral right to resort to force.

1. Just Cause- Self defense of a nation that is physically and aggressively attacked by another nation.

2. Right Intention- Nation that wages the war has a good reason and ensure just cause is attained at the end. 

3. Proper Authority & Public Declaration- Decision by proper authorities of state following the laws.

4. Last Resort- Only war if there is no means of doing it peacefully.

5. Probability of Success- Only initiated if deemed likely to be a success.

Jus in bello- Justice in war.

1. Proportionality- Before waging war, a state must evaluate the good in it against the death and destruction. Benefits must outway the cost of human lives.

2. Discrimination- Combatants must distinguish between soldier and civilians and only target other combatants.

Shimmering Light

The glimmering light
shines upon the waves out there.
I see it changing.

Moving curiously,
the light shines brighter than ever.
It falls upon me.

I feel the energy,
which surges throughout my body.
A lift of power, maybe?

Since after this event
I have always felt different.
A stronger being, I am.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Health Quote Analysis

"To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear." -Buddha

           To me this quote means that in order to keep yourself healthy, you have to contribute your mind in to make good choices. Your mind is the most important factor because it is the way you motivate yourself to stay active and eat healthy. But, if you don't keep your body healthy, then you aren't able to focus as well and won't be able to make as good choices.

Nisour Square Massacre

Baghdad - September 16, 2007
-Convoy of 4 armored vehicles with armed Blackwater soldiers (Raven 23) left the green zone into Baghdad.
-17 Iraqi civilians shot and killed and 20 others wounded at Nisour Square.
-9 year old Ali Kinani was the youngest killed from a gunshot to the head.
*Blackwater- A U.S. company founded by Erik Prince that provides private security and mercenaries for hire to countries.

Washington- May, 2008
-Mohammed Kinachi flew to Washington to testify against the grand jury to investigate the shooting.
-December, 2008- five Blackwater guards were charged with manslaughter.
-Judge Ricardo Urina dismissed the charges because of serious misconduct.
-Blackwater proposed a $10,000 price per death, but Kinani refused.
-They eventually accepted the money after much pressure, but only under one condition of a $5000 donation from the family to the family of the U.S. soldier killed in Iraq.
-A gift for any U.S. soldier that fought for the sake of Iraq.
-An attorney from Blackwater offered Mohammed $20,000, but he refused and said he would sign off all his rights if the Blackwater owner apologizes to him publicly in America.
-They said they wouldn't appologize.