Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Albert Einstein Quote Analysis

"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."

-Albert Einstein 

           The rules of the game is an abstract saying for the way life works. There are consequences in life depending on the choices a person makes. These are the "rules", or consequences for a person's actions. If you make bad choices, then you have to pay the consequences for your mistake and if you make good choices, then there is no consequences. These are the idea of breaking a law, or the "rules" of the game of life. Playing better than anyone else is talking about trying your hardest to be successful and passing by what others haven't. This can be either by picking up on others mistakes and correcting them yourself, or being an abstract thinker and surpassing others.

Layer Over Layer

You are like the snow that slowly falls down,

creating a layer to top the ground.

Protection is what you are, like the crown.

These tiny snowflakes make a massive mound,

for which the children come out and play on.

A barrier between the ground and them.

No one anywhere around see the lawn.

For that is fine from the fun it brings on.

But, there is a downside, for it is cold.

The bitterness if there is no jacket.

Mothers have learned themselves, for which they've told.

There should be some dangers in a packet.

As long as there is snow all around us.

People can realize beauty is a must.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Interstellar Summary

           The movie is about Earth on the brink of dying out of sources and the human race trying to find another planet that is suitable for life. There is a large dust bowl that has swept through the earth, killing all the sources of food, except corn. Scientists have found a new way to keep an abundance of corn that will help the humans survive until a new planet is found. Also NASA has detected a worm hole not to far away from earth that will allow astronauts to do interstellar travel from the Milkey Way Galaxy to another galaxy many light years away. Cooper is in a citation for an opportunity to save the world, but has to leave his daughter in the process. In this other Galaxy, one hour is equivalent to seven earth year, so he has to hurry. Cooper and two other astronauts travel by space ship through the worm hole and come out the other side into a new galaxy where two suitable planets for life are. They land on a planet where it is filled with water that is a couple of feet high and collect samples from the planet. After, they dock on a space station where they figure out what has to happen next to return home and create a way for human life to keep going on. They have artificial eggs where they have stored on the vessel that preserves them to hatch at a later time and grow up as a new human civilization. After they head off to another planet and another astronaut turn on them by trying to infiltrate the space station, but fails by not being able to align the ship with the lock on mechanism. Part of the station is blown up in the process and the only solution to get back to earth is to lock back on to the spinning station exactly and launch the ship into a black hole. In the black hole Cooper experiences strange events where he is presented in front of him the past events in his life. He stops when he sees his daughter standing in her room going through old boxes. He tries to communicate, but can't because he is trapped behind the bookcase in her room in this dimension. He sees her holding up the watch he gave her before he left and communicates by Morris code by tapping on the books. The minute hand on the watch corresponds to the code and she notices this and soon realizes he is watching her and is still alive. Cooper finds his way back to earth in far later years and is only a little bit older while his daughter is on the brink of death on a hospital bed. This world is now distorted to a new dimension and he has to live through this from now on.

Malcolm X Quote Analysis

"Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery."

-Malcolm X

           The meaning of this quote is pretty much stating that all African Americans should obey the laws and be respectful, until there is an act of violence occurring toward them by a white man. He was very much involved in the process of violence towards whites, but only in the means of it happening to an African American first. He was sick and tired of this racism and violence that was happening only for amusement, so much that he was promoting violence toward the whites. Even know the whites have had a bad reputation of racism, he didn't want it to be too chaotic so that African Americans were only attacking whites because of anger, but only in the act of protection.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Power is like the top of a mountain.
It is the highest point you can get to.
It is also like a giant fountain.
It sprays all the commands all over you.
Sometimes it can be good toward all people.
Sometimes it can be bad toward all people.
Sometimes it can be always equal.
Sometimes it can be not always equal.
If not good toward the benefit of us,
then we might as well stop it all right now.
If not worthy, then there can not be trust.
But, if there is a civilized person,
then there can be a chance and hope for us.
So think before you do things and trust.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Lord of the Flies: Piggy Character Analysis

            Piggy is a very intellectual character compared to the other boys in the group. He is one of the few very important characters toward the survival of the group itself. He is overweight, has asthma, wears glasses, and is made fun of by the other group members, except Ralph. He is kind of like the co-leader of the group in Ralph's perspective from the context of the book, but isn't actually mention by him. Jack, especially likes to torment Piggy because of his whimpy character and most likely because he is more intelligent than him. Piggy's intelligent inventions and thoughts have lead to the "somewhat" success of the group, such as the sundial idea, the shelters, or motivation. The changes in piggy's glasses, such as flashing, or fogging up shows the mood he is in. Also his glasses are used as a mechanism for focusing the sun's rays on wood and lighting it on fire. From all the intelligence Piggy holds, he is a symbol of success for civilization. He is pretty much characterized as the scientific, rational side of the group.  

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Important Symbols and Motifs in "The Lord of the Flies"

Piggy's Glasses: His glasses tell the mood he is in by the condition they are in. When they flash, it shows he is angry and misting up shows humiliation, or saddness. It symbolizes his intelligence within the group of boys. Anytime h puts on his glasses, he is about to say something important. Used as a way of making fire by magnifying the sun's rays onto wood.

Conch Shell: Symbolizes civilization and order for the group of boys. It acts as a right to speak when someone is holding it. Ralph is able to speak even when he is not holding it.

Beastie: At first the littluns thought of it as a scary beast. It is later found out that this beast is actually inside all of the boys. It is a symbol for the savagery and anarchy that occurs between Jack and Ralph for power over the group.

Nighttime: Something feared by the group of boys because it contains a so called "beast" lurking throughout the island during this time.

Signal Fire: It is a symbol of civilization because it gets the boys to work together to get rescued, but when the signal goes out, the boys become barbarrack and chaotic and lose interest in being rescued. It also shows the strength of the civilized instinct within the boys. 

Storm: The storm after the murder of Simon symbolizes and exemplifies the gruesome murder and chaos that has taken over the island. When the storm washes away Simon and the parachutist, it shows that the beast actually doesn't exist.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


There is no escape from this horrible way of living.
Races against society and society against races.
For thousands of years this madness has broken people apart.
Slowly isolating the needs of united beings.
For we all can solve this, but haven't noticed.
This way of living breaks the needs of a human nature.
For all we know, it may be us against the world.