Friday, November 28, 2014

Theodore Roosevelt Quote Analysis

"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing."

-Theodore Roosevelt

           The big idea within this quote is the good and bad decisions that one makes throughout life. Anytime someone is in a position of making a decision for themself or others, go for the one that you feel is the best one worthwhile. Sometimes it is difficult to decide on something, but people should go with the first decision that pops up in their mind. This is because it is people's first thought that comes to mind about a certain situation and is probably the best from it being the first thing thought of. Then people naturally start to think of other possible decisions that could be better and start to over think it to much. People might then pick a different decision than the first one, from them being under pressure and it not being as well thought out as the first. This causes the wrong decision to be made, making it the bad decisions that people make throughout life. Then there is the worst decision made by not making any decision at all. If nothing is decided, then nothing will happen and further cause worse things to occur.


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