Friday, November 28, 2014

Theodore Roosevelt Quote Analysis

"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing."

-Theodore Roosevelt

           The big idea within this quote is the good and bad decisions that one makes throughout life. Anytime someone is in a position of making a decision for themself or others, go for the one that you feel is the best one worthwhile. Sometimes it is difficult to decide on something, but people should go with the first decision that pops up in their mind. This is because it is people's first thought that comes to mind about a certain situation and is probably the best from it being the first thing thought of. Then people naturally start to think of other possible decisions that could be better and start to over think it to much. People might then pick a different decision than the first one, from them being under pressure and it not being as well thought out as the first. This causes the wrong decision to be made, making it the bad decisions that people make throughout life. Then there is the worst decision made by not making any decision at all. If nothing is decided, then nothing will happen and further cause worse things to occur.


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Great Skyscraper

           Standing before me is like a skyscraper with its tower like structure. It has grayish and brown coloring surrounding the surface. Its surface is bumpy and is solid when touched. The body of this great structure varies within the diameter and height. Some are about a foot or more in diameter. Some vary in height, but most have staggering heights that appear to be brushing against the clouds. When looked at from any side view, this structure appears to have a cylinder shape that connects at the bottom to the ground. To ensure that these immense structures can withstand staying up, considering their height, long roots travel beneath ground level to give extra support. The roots also act as a mechanism to give nutrients to the structure from the ground to stay healthy and strong. Above the surface, long structrues can also be seen coming out of the main structure that can extend pretty far distances. Within those structures that extend out, there can also be smaller structures that extend out to the sides of it. Within the main structure itself, there is kind of a defense shield around it that is bumpy and is very solid. Overall, this great structure has beauty of its own with its great features and can help out life as a whole.

Friday, November 21, 2014

The Circle

As fast, as fast can be.
Goes by like the strike of lightning.
Seen by many as the cheers fall into a roar.
Around and around, the blur comes and goes.
The image can almost be seen, 
but it appears as an illusion to the eyes.
People try to keep up, but they fall behind and get lapped.
This merry go round goes on forever,
making it a mystery that may never be solved.

Me Against The World Poem Analysis

           The main point of this poem is trying to say that people that think different tell others ideas, but they put them down because they think they know everything. Everyone asks questions even if they are smarter then everyone, so no one should be criticising other people for their thoughts. Even if people try and tell you that you are wrong, listen to yourself and block them out because it is a world of everyone against each other. I feel that the poet is using someone as a speaker that feels inferior to others from them putting the person down from expressing their own thoughts. The speaker is trying to tell everyone that it is okay to express your own thoughts and to not let others tell you what you are doing wrong. I feel that the poet wrote this poem to give people an understanding of how normal it is to disagree with others from the fact of everyone being brought up differently. Everyone has different minds and will react to things differently than others will, so just let others think the way they want and deal with it. The title gives a better understanding of the poem because when others argue with you about your view, you feel against people, or the world in general. I feel that this poem gives a big impact to anyone that reads it because it shows that it is okay to think differently, because everyone does. The poem made me feel better because now when I hear people arguing about something, I will know that it isn't a big deal from it being a normal occurence. Overall, the poem conveys a strong message to the world and explains the reason for people feeling inferior to others.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Parallels Between Holden Caulfield and Will Hunting

           Will Hunting parallels Holden Caulfield in some ways. He doesn't look for success in his academic life. He is resentful towards his family for them being abusive and not encouraging, while Holden doesn't like the fact that they are pushing him to go to schools he doesn't want to go to. Will makes life unnecessarily hard for himself by trying to avoid relationships with people because he is afraid to get hurt again by somebody else. On the other hand, Holden isolates himself from people by making up excuses for them being phonies or hotshots to make him feel better about himself. Will pushed his girlfriend away when she tried to get too close, pushed his mentor away, pushed his job he got offered away, anything that would make him happy he pushed away, just so he wouldn't become emotionally involved with them. Holden pushed his chances to become successful or keep relationships with people by failing out of prestigious high schools, throwing away his relationship with Sally, making up excuses to not call Jane up, isolating himself from the so called "phonies", and not listening to the people trying to motivate him. A major difference was at the ends of the novel and movie from Holden not being ordered by the court to go to a therapist, but instead having a mental breakdown. Will at the end had a successful ending from realizing he can try new things without having the fear of getting hurt again. He realized this after Sean kept saying "it's not your fault" over and over to him.

The Race to Victory

           "Junior division for the second heat, please get into your designated lanes for the race", said the announcer. I walked over to the 6th lane and looked around to see my opponents. Three of them were on my team, with their maroon and gold tanks and maroon shorts on. They appeared to be excited for this 200 meter dash, but I knew myself that inside they were worried about the outcome of it, just like I was looking at our opponents. Our rival, Noble had expressions on their faces like we were going to be a piece of cake to demolish. "Ready up fellow sprinters, the race is going to commence shortly." I set my hands just before the white line and stretched out my legs till my feet fell flush with the fronts of the blocks. I took a few heavy breaths to relieve myself and looked ahead at the finish line. It looked to be about a mile away. "Runners on your mark", said the guy with starting gun. At this point I could feel my heart pounding against my chest. "Get set, bang." I launched myself forward from the blocks with a mighty force and thrusted my arms back and forth. At this point from what I could see in front of me, there were only three people ahead of me. I started breathing heavily and could feel the exhaustion coming on. All I told myself is to keep pushing and I will be successful as long as I try. Already half the race has gone by and I have only passed one Noble runner. I started picking up my speed, confident in myself to win this race. I passed another Noble runner and only had one runner left to pass, one of my teammates. 30 meters left and I was golden to win this race. My heart was pounding even harder now and I was having a very difficult time breathing. My teammate wast only about three feet ahead of me and I kept telling myself that I can do it. 10 meters left and I was even closer this time with about a foot gap between the runner and I. 5 meters, 4 meters, 3 meters. Only half a foot to go and I would pass him. 2 meters, 1 meter, and we both passed the finish line side by side. On the scoreboard it showed, Spencer, first place. To me at that moment, all I cared about was that I gave it all I got.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The cloud

I stare at one cloud.
Painted with a creamy white,
high above my head.

It soars past others
like a glimmering airplane,
and fades far away.

I try to follow,
but it is to fast for me
to catch up with it.

I still try, myself.
To search the unknown
for that far gone cloud.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Character Changes from the Catcher in the Rye and Good Will Hunting Analysis

The Catcher in the Rye
In the end of the Catcher in the Rye Holden dramatically changed his whole view of becoming an adult. His belief was that innocence should be preserved throughout life and he was scarred of becoming corrupt when becoming an adult from this loss of innocence. The moment that Holden realized that is okay to grow up is when he saw Phoebe going around and around on the carrousel. This symbolized the journey to and from innocence throughout life while still having maturity. Also, Phoebe trying to grab the golden ring symbolized the risks you take throughout life to try and reach goals to become successful.

Good Will Hunting
In the end of Good Will Hunting Will dramatically changed his view of being able to make relationships with people and trust others. When he was a young kid he got abused and wasn't loved by his parents. He then went off to two other foster homes and got abused there also. He could never then trust to be close with anyone other than his friends again from the fear of being abused again. His view of this changed when after being able to trust his therapist, Sean after building a good relationship with him. Sean told Will over and over again that "it's not your fault", and at this moment he realized that is okay to make relationships with people because not everybody is abusive.