Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Alcohol, Cigarettes, and Clubs

Holden drinks alcohol, smokes, and goes to clubs probably from the feeling of being more mature and trying to fit in with other teenagers his age. Proof of his fascination is Holden saying "It was pretty early when I got there. I sat down at the bar-it was pretty crowded-and had a couple of Scotch and sodas before old Luce showed up. I stood up when I ordered them so they could see how tall I was and all and not think I was a goddamn minor. The purpose of this quote is to show what Holden does just so people will think he is older and let him order alcohol. The statement is important because it is most likely a true statement considering the fact that most other teens his age during that time did those things trying to feel cool and more mature. Also the laws in that time period weren't very strict on underage drinking, smoking, and clubbing, so it was probably pretty easy for Holden to get away with these things. Readers care about these kind of actions because it fascinates them to read about how teenagers were able to obtain these illegal things for minors so easily and feel very mature while doing it. Holden most likely did these three things so he would feel more superior and not have to worry about people telling him what and what not to do.

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